Pricing and turnaround times

  • Fiction

    Proofreading $0.02/ word

    Copyediting $0.025/ word

    Stylistic/Line Editing $0.04/ word

    Developmental Editing $0.035/ word

    Manuscript Evaluation: $0.015/ word for the first 50,000 words, then $12.00 for each additional 1,000 words thereafter.

  • Non-fiction

    Proofreading $0.025/ word

    Copyediting $0.035/ word

    Stylistic/Line Editing $0.045/ word

    Developmental Editing $0.04/ word

    Optional citation and bibliography editing: billed at an hourly rate. Contact me to discuss the needs of your project.

  • Technical / Business

    Proofreading $0.035/ word

    Copyediting $0.045/ word

    Stylistic/Line Editing $0.05/ word

    Developmental Editing $0.07/ word

  • Questions?

    I’m happy to do a free review of a sample of your document, so you will be able to see how I work. (no more than 1,500 words, please!)

    If you’re not sure what type of editing you need, a sample can also give me an idea of your writing style, and I can make a recommendation of what would be of benefit to you. Consultations are available, based on an hourly rate. Contact me with details of what you would like to discuss, and I’ll set you up with a time and quote.

  • Estimated Turnaround Times

    I know you don’t want to hear this, but it’s going to depend.

    Send me the details of your project, what services you need, and I’ll give you an estimate of how long it will take me.

  • Methods of Payment

    Payments are processed through Stripe, which will allow you to choose from many credit card or banking options. Canadian residents also have the option to use Interact E-transfer.

    Please contact me if you have any questions, or refer to the How I work section of this website.